Friday, December 13, 2013

Sandy Hook

It's been a year since the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut. The 20 year old man went into a harmless elementary school and killed 26 child and adults in 11 minutes. 20 of those dead were children and he killed his mom. After the shooting, talk about gun violence was on the rise. People were talking about arming teachers during school. A major dilemma was trying to be resolved. I still don't think it's resolved to this day. Even though there hasn't been any shootings, we still don't know what to do if this happens again. The resolutions to this problems have there pros and cons. Arming a teacher with a gun is a lot more protective than having nothing. But if that teacher doesn't use the gun properly, something bad is bound to happen. I think the best solution would be to increase your security by having more policeman at a school or investing into a much better security system. We don't really know what will happen, but we hope it helps out in the long run.

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