Monday, September 2, 2013


Hello once again, last week we talked about the events going on is Egypt. This week we will talk about something that has caught my intrest a lot more than Egypt. That would be the violence in Syria. I've seen so much news about because of all the predictions and attacks that might happen. As of now, president Obama has asked congress to give the go for the use of missiles against Syria. If this happens, we could be looking at another war possibly even another world war. We just don't know until someone makes a move. I feel it's best that we should leave Syria alone for now because we should let them work out their problems. Plus It could keep tensions down between the U.S., Russia, and China. I don't think war is the answer right now because we already have enough foreign and domestic problems. But that's just my opinion and the real power of the U.S. might have different ideas.

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